Vietnam Shuts Down Truoi News, Fake News Shuts Down Tuoi Tre

For many years, the Vietnamese people relied on the news provided by the website known as Truoi news as their primary source of information. Until the publication was discontinued, however, many people were not aware of its existence. Previously, the site was a major source of information for the Vietnamese population. But as the media market in Vietnam is rapidly developing, many sources are now regaining their importance. But how does one know that a particular article is not true?

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Article was not true

The newspaper Tuoi Tre has been suspended for publishing a story in June that attributed comments made by Vietnam’s president, Tran Dai Quang, to his own office. However, the article was fabricated, and he failed to remove his “nationally divisive” remarks. He has been fined 220 million dong (about 9,500 dollars), and is being forced to make an apology to his readers. Since then, major street protests have occurred in Vietnam and the government has imposed a cybersecurity law that could have drastic implications on the freedom of information.

Despite the recent repercussions of the news report, Tuoi Tre’s editors are insistent that the publication should continue publishing. The authorities’ decision to suspend the publication of the Tuoi Tre online is an unprecedented step, and they should immediately lift the ban. They must first clarify what laws the publication is in violation of. The Committee to Protect Journalists has called on the government to reinstate the newspaper.

It was fabricated

In the past few months, the Vietnamese government has shut down a website known for reporting hard-hitting news. Tuoi Tre, an online newspaper run by the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, has come under fire for spreading fake news. Authorities say the website fabricated stories to spread division between the South and North Vietnam. It was also fined $9,500 after the false article was published. It is unclear if the charges against the website will stick, but it is unclear if the newspaper will appeal the decision.

The illegitimate news content appeared alongside the legitimate news in various social media platforms. Readers could not differentiate the two. The newspaper is required to apologize and to suspend publication for three months. While the online version of Tuoi Tre has been shut down, the print editions remain active. While the fake news was reported online, many Vietnamese citizens have defended the newspaper’s reporting. Here are some examples. We will look at why this news was fabricated.

It disrespected a number of organizations and individuals

The online version of the Tuoi Tre newspaper was shut down by authorities three months ago for spreading fabricated news and disrespecting a number of organizations and people. Tuoi Tre has now been fined two hundred and twenty million Vietnamese dong and suspended from operating. Vietnam is a communist nation where dissent is severely suppressed and authorities routinely use a vague penal code to punish dissenters.

In June, the Media Department of Vietnam’s Ministry of Information and Communication cited the Tuoi Tre article as “false” and called it a “fake” and false. On May 26, 2017, a story published by Tuoi Tre had received a comment from a reader suggesting the lack of superhighway development projects in southern Vietnam. The comment suggested that the news outlet had a regional bias and censorship.

It was a trusted source of information

While Vietnam has been a trusted source of news for decades, the website of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCMPYU) has been suspended for three months. The paper is accused of publishing fake news and was fined $9,500 for false information. The suspension of Tuoi Tre came after the publication of two articles that contained inaccurate information about the president of Vietnam. However, Khoi remained optimistic about the future of the Real-Fake section and the role of the newspaper in fact-checking.

Zingnews’s YouTube channel has reported that it gained 160,000 subscribers in the week of January 27 to February 8, 2020, due to a sudden spike in COVID-19 infections. According to SocialBlade, Zingnews’s YouTube channel has gained an average of ten to twenty thousand new subscribers a week and has over 25 million views. However, the number of views and subscribers is still low.

It was found on the internet

Vietnamese authorities recently suspended the website of the Tuoi Tre, a local newspaper, for three months, and fined it $20 million dong for publishing false information. The ban on the newspaper was issued after a June 19 report in which President Tan Dai Quang was misquoted. The Committee to Protect Journalists has urged the authorities to lift the ban. Currently, it’s unclear what law the newspaper is in violation of.

A report in Tuoi Tre attributed untrue comments to the country’s president Tran Dai Quang, and the newspaper failed to delete the inflammatory “nationally divisive” comment. However, the ministry ordered the newspaper to amend the article and apologize to its readers. The newspaper then issued a note stating that it would comply with the demands of the ministry and the government. But this move hasn’t stopped the protests.

It was suspended

The suspension of a Vietnamese website is a significant setback to the country. It was a trusted source of information throughout the country, allowing the Party to communicate its message to millions of people. The suspension wasn’t related to the content, but to a reaction disproportionate to the country’s lack of freedom of expression. Here’s a look at why it’s an important case study for other countries.

The suspension comes after the newspaper’s online version, Tuoi Tre Online, was found to contain false information. The website was fined VND220 million, or $9,500. Corrections were published the same day. The suspension only affects the online version of the newspaper, which is based in Ho Chi Minh City and is one of the most popular dailies in the country. Its print editions are still published and available for readers.

The suspension of Tuoi Tre could have political motives. Its suspension coincides with the dismissal of its Minister of Information and Communications, Truong Minh Tuan, for violating the principles of democratic centralism and making decisions alone. He was also accused of being involved in a failed attempt to purchase a private TV company by MobiFone a few years ago that would have cost the government $303 million.

It is linked to gangs of thugs and petty thieves

In the United States, gangs have historically been associated with crime, from the shadowy underworld to family-run crime syndicates and mafias. But many British citizens think of gangs in a much more limited context – as a group of teenagers involved in petty crime and selling drugs. Others associate gangs with mortgage fraud or identity theft.

There are many types of gangs, including the English Mob and the Irish Mob, Russian and Italian mafias, and Middle Eastern Terrorists, which are ruthless militants from West Asia. And of course, there are also gangs of petty thieves and thugs from former military personnel. Although the street gangs are often smaller than the major criminal organizations, they are no less dangerous. They also tend to be comprised of people from the same ethnic backgrounds.

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