For a child, the projection and perseverance of the worldly components, their environment, and nature occur at a premature age. At this age, extra precautions and careful learning should be undertaken to allow them to create an excellent and healthy vision of life and the world.
Early child education, commonly known as nursery or preschool, is a crucial step towards creating a proper and holistic thought process for further education and training to become independent.
What is Early childhood education?
Early childhood education is the study explicitly attributed to children from birth to eight. In standard terms, the child is subjected to a particular branch of education until he reaches the third standard. The education, however, can be formal or informal.
In formal child education, a careful and precise curriculum is devised targeting skills like observation, conceptualization, rationality etc. The famous French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau recommended that teachers exploit individual children’s interests to ensure each child obtains the information most essential to their personal and individual development.
Why is Early child education so important?
Early education forms a significant phase in a child’s life. A child is taken from the accustomed and comfy environment and introduced to a different world. The studies confirm that childhood education confers a critical and analytic groundwork for futuristic growth and problems in the child’s life.
Furthermore, early education introduces many taboo topics that parents or elders are reluctant to discuss. Still, on the other hand, children are also detailed about different religions, philosophies and sense of morality.
The planned curriculum allows for the growth of their mind and sense. It installs the habit of rationalizing and questioning everything, clarifying their concepts and developing confidence to ask and interact with the teachers and fellow students. It also allows the child to hear and be critical of diverse opinions and acknowledge that there could be divergent interpretations on the same topic.
Along with mental development, physical strength is also promoted through the training of motor skills and playing different games. It tends to keep the child active and enjoy the learning even more.
The Developmental domains are met by Early child education
The carefully devised curriculum is regulated and targeted on specific domains, which is necessary for a child’s growth. Those domains are given as follows:-
1. Physical- The child is subjected to activities that develop gross motor skills like jumping, throwing a ball, climbing etc.
2. Social– The development of social skills is greatly emphasized. Children learn by interacting with fellow students and teachers and understand their relationships, family ties, and responsibilities.
3. Emotional– A child learns emotional connections and contemplates empathy, sympathy and consideration of other people’s feelings and emotions.
4. Language– Skills like communication are a crucial focus in the curriculum. The children are motivated to share their thoughts and experiences. An appropriate language with enhanced vocabulary is also promoted throughout the learning process.
5. Cognitive – Cognitive skills are necessary for the thought process of a child. Cognitive skills include memorizing, organization and formulating a thought process that sorts the provided information.
Through targeting these domains, a child grows immensely in respect to mind and body. Early child education helps the child in the classroom and the outer world while dealing with different cultures and people and handling their emotions. Henceforth, early education has a long-lasting effect on the mentality and growth of an individual.