Embroidery-Add Charm And Elegance To Custom T-Shirts (2021)

The art of adorning fabrics with needles and thread is called embroidery. If you like t-shirts and have good knowledge of different types of t-shirts available in the market, perhaps you know the difference between printing and embroidery t-shirts. Embroidery is best for creating logos, names, and small but attractive images. If you need larger images or printed slogans, then printing is the best option. Embroidery adds charm and elegance to your t-shirts and customizes hoodies. Embroidery works on t-shirts look professional and give the attire a more adorable look. Some embroidery works add cultural aspects to your t-shirts and hoodies. 

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The history of embroidery 

Embroidery has a long history across the globe especially in Asia and Europe. Embroidery and most of the needle artworks was originated in South and East Asia. Primitive humans found that stitches used to join two or more animal skins were good at creating embellishments on the animal skins. Modern humans started using embroidery to craft animal faces and religious scriptures on fabrics. During the 12th century, seed-like pearls were embroidered on cloths and vellum. In the 13th and 14th-century, people started embroidering with colorful beads on fabrics, berks, and animal skins. From the 15th century onward, embroidery became a lavish sign of decorating homes, religious places, and clothes. The trend is continuing. With time, embroidery has changed in look and style but its elegance and charm are still unparalleled. 

Most modern dresses like t-shirts are even available with sophisticated embroidery works. In the hands of professional embroiders varieties of concepts flourish aesthetically on different kinds of t-shirts and other kinds of dresses like hoodies and shirts. 

How are embroidery fabrics chosen?

It is comprehensible that embroidery works need a strong base; otherwise, the stitched threads cannot settle. Thread count in a fabric is the foremost consideration in embroidery works. Thread count means the number of threads per square inch of fabric. It shouldn’t be too low or too high. Close knitted fabric is not a perfect product for stitching. In embroidery low thread count is a good one like cotton, linen, and rayon-based fabrics that are created with natural raw materials. Natural fabrics are soft yet sturdy to support even the most complicated thread works. Experts in this field experiment a lot with different fabrics and threads to offer the customers adorable, smart, and elegant custom t-shirts that quickly attract attention. Embroidery works are also suitable for hoodies and sweatshirts. 

Embroidery works have a different level of appeal 

Custom t-shirts for a team or uniform with embroidered logos look great. Embroidery works, if accomplished with perfection don’t lose the color or appearance for years even after hundreds of washes. With beautiful imagery on a piece of fabric, embroidery on t-shirts or customize hoodies bring wonderful texture to the dresses.

Today, apart from hand embroidery, the embroidery machine is also used for mass production with utter perfection. Embroidery machine stitches in zigzag patterns to create different designs. With computerized embroidery machines designs on custom, t-shirts are now more sophisticated and picture-perfect.

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