How eCommerce Web Solutions Helps to Improve the UI/UX

When a person is exploring the web, whether to buy a product/service or to research something, he pays close attention to the website’s layout. If the design of a website is clumsy and difficult to use, folks are less likely to trust the firm and whatever they’re attempting to tell or sell to them. 48% of people believe website design is the most important aspect in determining a company’s legitimacy, and 38 percent will stop engaging with a site if it is unappealing. eCommerce web solutions assist you to improve the design of your website that is important for firms. Magento Hosting Services are best for eCommerce websites.

In this article, I will tell you the best tips to enhance the UI/UX of your eCommerce website. So, let’s start with it!


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Tips to Improve UI/UX of eCommerce Website

There are many ways to enhance the User experience of your website. In the following sections, the tips are mentioned in detail:

Use Optimized Images

We’ve seen that many websites use fuzzy photographs in massive amounts and some sites with few or no product photos at all! Don’t follow the crowd. Use only high-quality photos that aren’t too large in terms of file space on your content pages. This will improve the performance of your web store pages and the user experience of your clients.

  • When creating full-page banners, compress your photos and balance size and quality. Adobe Photoshop is the most creative design software, but it is also the most expensive. Affinity Photo and Luminar are two less expensive alternatives.
  • Invest time in photographing your products – buyers are always more likely to purchase products if they can see what they’re purchasing. And, once again, remember to take high-quality photos. The higher the quality of the image, the more appealing the goods.


Easy Navigation

The more difficult it is for your clients to find what they are looking for on your website, the less delighted they will be with your brand. Imagine entering a store and being welcomed by a disorganized and confusing layout. Isn’t it a bad impression on the brand? That is exactly how website visitors would feel when they come across a site that clearly does not prioritize user experience. Here are some considerations to follow:

  • Simple is always best. The more you have going in, the more difficult it will be to direct your clients to your desired call-to-action (CTA)
  • To keep your website organized, use a clear navigation menu and correctly designated sections.
  • Include a search bar with relevant filtering options. You could take this a step further and provide search results that are tailored to each individual customer (e.g. based on their previous interactions with your company)
  • Every page, especially your homepage, should have a clear CTA.
  • Consider creating separate e-commerce websites if your product/service catalog is big or you cater to a wide spectrum of clients (e.g., B2B and B2C).


Provide Accurate Descriptions About the Products

Whatever your visitors and clients came to your website to perform, make sure that you only provide accurate descriptions of the products. This can include things like:

  • Inventory/warehouse levels
  • Product Specifications
  • Product photography, videos, and other media
  • Pricing

A fantastic Product Information Management (PIM) system that is connected with your commerce and ERP solutions will be beneficial.


Include Client’s Reviews Section

Feedback from real people is an excellent approach to increase client confidence and encourage purchases. So, when developing your website, search for ways to display consumer feedback.

Will you have a section for product/service ratings? Will there be a page with case studies and client testimonials? Is it possible to include videos and images?


Build Dynamic Design that Use Mixture of Content

Content blocks are building elements that you may use to design your web pages, such as picture sliders, text blocks, and videos.

To provide an excellent consumer experience, mix and match your content blocks. Contrast assists your clients in distinguishing between the many pages on offer. It also brings your web pages to life and highlights your goods more effectively.

Create Clear Conversion Path

Use color to direct visitors to the pages/paths that are crucial to your online store. Consider the contrast: a light CTA button on a light page will disappear. If a button or CTA is fairly irrelevant, make it a neutral color to indicate this. If you want a button to lead to a conversion, make it a color that stands out on the page and is eye-catching.

Your organization most likely has a style guide/brand standards. When selecting a color palette for your e-commerce website design, try to use the most eye-catching colors from your corporate style guide.


Add FAQ Section

Make it simple for your customers to contact you by simplifying your checkout process and website navigation. Create a “contact us” page with your customer service information on it. Consider adding a live chat feature, an automated chatbot, linked social media channels, and a FAQs section. Different people have different needs, and the more variety you can provide for your consumers, the happier they will be.


Optimize For Different Devices

Usually, People browse not only on PCs or laptops. But also enjoy conducting research on their tablets. More and more individuals prefer to use their phones.

What’s the point? Examine and optimize your website for a variety of devices. You don’t want to turn off certain clients by providing a wonderful smartphone experience but not a tablet experience.


Wrapping Up

Effective eCommerce web solutions increase conversions and contribute to your total online success. Even if you’re not the most creative person, don’t have an in-house designer, or don’t have a lot of time to devote to your design, you can still create a conversion-optimized web store design.


Take a look at these fantastic examples of e-commerce websites. Your choice of an e-commerce system is also important. Customers desire outstanding shopping experiences, which include quick responses, personalized interactions, and brand consistency.

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