Biometric Screening – Opening Doors to a Password-free World

Biometric recognition is becoming popular because of its accurate customer verification. Criminals somehow come up with methods to dodge these checks. Technological advancements are easing the ways for them by providing advanced methods. For instance, they use software like deepfake, 2D/3D masks, and spoofing attacks to dodge the verification process. Criminals do this to launder money, camouflage identities and escape the law enforcement agencies.  


Therefore, the need for robust biometric screening is increasing because of these criminal threats. The AI-powered solutions help industries to verify customers by employing several checks like facial verification, voice recognition, iris scans, and signature validation. Biometric checks streamline the customer onboarding while accurately verifying their identities. Further details are in the blog next. 

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Biometric User Authentication – Major Types of Identity Checks

Biometric user authentication identifies customers by analyzing their biological and behavioral traits. These are the distinct and impossible-to-replicate features. Biological analyses include scanning of DNA, iris/retina, facial features, and other such traits. Whereas, behavioral biometrics include voice recognition, liveness detection, and signature verification. The next section covers further details on these two types of biometrics. 

Facial Features Verification 

The facial features verification detects the liveness of customers. The AI-powered biometric recognition system asks customers to upload a real-time selfie or video. The system makes a face map, verifies it with the one on documents, and later cross-match within the global databases. 


The system analyses the unique facial traits and identifies imposters even in a crowd. This largely helps law enforcement agencies to identify criminals. This is why the facial recognition market is expected to grow up to $8.5 billion by 2025. 

Retain and Iris Scans

Iris and retina scans are another type of biological biometrics. In this type of verification, the system analyzes vein patterns and blood vessels within the eye. The AI-powered iris and retina scans provide utmost accuracy because they can verify customers even if they are wearing glasses. Furthermore, industries can also verify criminals if they try to trick the system by not focusing on one point. This is why industries are incorporating digital biometric verification solutions to accurately identify customers.  

DNA Analyses

DNA scans are also an emerging kind of biometrics. According to Shufti Pro News, law enforcement agencies and security agencies are popularly using this method. It helps in verifying criminals and keeping track of their activities.  

Voice Recognition

Voice recognition falls in behavioral biometrics and it is taking over the pre-existing types of verification methods. Industries see voice recognition as more reliable and authentic than fingerprint scanning. Criminals on the other end are using voice changer software to trick the verification process. However, industries having accurate voice recognition solutions in place are less likely to fall prey to these criminals. 

Fingerprint Cross-identification 

Fingerprint verification is commonplace these days. From unlocking cellphones to making transactions, fingerprint-based biometric screening is changing the verification processes. Fingerprint cross-identification helps industries onboard legitimate customers as authorities keep a record of their citizens. 


Furthermore, it makes it easy for law enforcement agencies to track and locate criminals. Similarly, this type of verification is streamlining every process. For instance, customers can simply scan their faces alongside their fingerprints to make a purchase. 

Myths Associated with the Biometric ID Verification Process

Where biometric ID verification is gaining popularity, it is also facing some myths. Some of them include:

Biometrics Outdate as the Customer Age

When customers age their facial features change and the registered ones outdate. The myth regarding biometric recognition here is that it can not verify these customers. However, authenticity hecks perform regular monitoring and save every change within time. Moreover, AI-powered solutions use mathematical algorithms that map the face despite changes and provide accurate results.

Criminals can Dodge Biometrics by Using Static Photographs

Criminals use 2D/3D masks or static images to dodge the verification process. However, digital AI-driven biometrics include liveness detection, voice recognition, and iris scans. Shufti Pro Funding indicates that these provide an additional layer to the verification process and accurately identify customers.

Biometrics Invade Customers’ Privacy

There circulates a common myth that biometric technology invades customers’ privacy. However, biometric verification requires the customers’ consent. The system does not save the face images rather through a mathematical model extract it in form of an encrypted file. Which is later attached to the profile of a particular customer. 

In a Nutshell

Biometric recognition is emerging as a reliable solution for accurate customer verification. It provides accurate identification by scanning distinct behavioral and biological features of customers. Criminals can forge the documents but can not replicate the exact facial features. Therefore, industries should employ AI-powered biometric screening solutions to make sure they are onboarding legitimate customers. Moreover, they improve customer experience, mitigate criminal threats, and ultimately ensure regulatory compliance. 

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